Brattleboro and New England/NY Song Session Calendars

If you cannot view the calendar on this page, use this link.
Click on the “Agenda” tab for a summary (may not work on phones).
To add your event to the list, email brattleboropubsing at Include when, where, host/organizer, host’s contact info, and a link for more info (if any). This information will be shared publicly.
Scroll down for calendars.

Brattleboro Area Pub Sing Calendar

For free, public, participatory, in-person song sessions that resemble or are related to the Brattleboro Pub Sing and are located in Southern Vermont (VT), the Monadnock Region (NH), and the Pioneer Valley (MA). 


New England & New York Song Sessions Calendar

For recurring free, public, participatory, in-person song sessions anywhere in New England & New York, including CT, MA, ME, NH, NY, RI, VT. 

Site design & content:  Amanda Witman ©2023.